I was browsing around my watchlist when i came across this journal earlier written by which is a response and reposting of a blog done by Roosh V.
What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
For those who know me, i’m not that big of a fan of Roosh V and actually view him as a Radical MRA and hypocrite on his own right and he’s really everything the MRA movement is generally not the same way Jessica Valenti is everything many moderate Feminists are not. However unlike Valenti, i respect Roosh V not because of his character but because he makes rational,reasonable articles and blogs explaining his position and is an advocate of free speech and supporter of the GamerGate movement as i’ve shown with several endorsements of his articles here on my page. However it’s within this article he makes that has me have a begrudgingly respect for him because he doesn’t pull any punches and i respect that.
Really before i know it, i wrote a long ass comment on Kajm’s page as a reaction to Roosh V’s blog and he told me this is good enough to be it’s own article and i’m doing just that, however i’m going to extend upon the original comment by adding in a bit of my own political views, commentary and personal opinions in the mix as well as personal experiences because while Kajim considers himself a Center Right Libertarian and self described classical Liberal and Roosh V is a Traditionist Rightist given his support for Traditionalism, i’m quite at the very opposite end of the political spectrum being a Anti Traditionalist, Far Left Libertarian with some roots in Marxist thinking so my thinking would differ from that of both, needless to say, i share the same common hatred of SJW’s as the two i mentioned.
Now that i got out of the way, what is a Social Justice Warrior?
As you known form my past, i’ve made many post criticizing the inherent hypocrisy and paradoxes of Social Justice Warrior Mentality and how they failed to live up to the teachings of
Classical Liberalism, Progressivism and even Marxism to some extent and pointed out the similarities to the Right Wing Extremists they’re against. That’s largely because i think a
good amount of SJWism has it’s roots within Traditionist origins and this can be observed by the very similar mindsets between you’re typical Feminazi and typical Christfag.
If anything Feminism is literary another form of Traditionalism.
Here is a very simple overview of the etiology behind 1880’s era discrimination against blacks:
WKKK women basically went around talking about what black men night do to them, and white men preached of the sanctity of “white womanhood”. The sexually hypercharged imagery, together with economic desires of slave-owners, made widespread violence and discrimination against blacks acceptable and even necessary in the public eye. Women got what they wanted by motivating men with horrid sexual imagery about blacks, and men took up their dirty duties protecting the sanctity of “white womanhood”.
Early WKKK radical feminists also wrote about the drudgery of motherhood and other typical feminist topics we read about frequently today. A common overarching theme was women using their sexual power to get men to do whatever they wanted – a theme identical to the core ideology of the contemporary V-Day initiatieve pushed by N.O.W. in hopes of replacing Valentine’s Day with a murky celebration of misandry.
Those who don’t believe us about feminism’s substantial participation in discrimination against blacks, via the use of sexual imagery; and the foundation it formed for contemporary feminism, should read the book “Women of the Klan” by Kathleen L. Blee. This book be purchased at here.
As part of her summary about the WKKK movement Blee concluded, “the WKKK [created] a gender ideology that was neither fundamentally reactionary nor progressive. Rather, the women’s Klan was contradictory: a reactionary, hate-base movement with progressive moments.” (Those who study the agenda, activities, and methodology of contemporary radical feminism – which traded hate of black men for hate of all men– have little choice but to come to a similar conclusion).
One book reviewer wrote this summary of Blee’s book: “The significance of “Women of the Klan” rests not in its somewhat ebullient celebration of feminist principles, but rather, that it documents in great detail a direct lineage between the Women’s Ku Klux Klan and the radical feminist movement as it exists today. The book draws from a wide variety of historical documents, letters, and in-camera interviews that the author recorded with older women who were still alive at the time the book was written.”
Remember the Suffrage Movement was largely a movement backed by Moral Conservative White Supremacists and Progressive Feminist White Supremacists. There’s also Sarah Palin who despite
being to the far right of many Far Left SJW’s, still has the same mentality as Social Justice Warriors, hence her victimhood antics .
Thundef00t in his Suey Park video attributes the rise of the modern SJW movement to the popularity of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann playing professional victims which in a way is
true, especially to the former who claims to be a Feminist.
Sarah Palin is called a dumb twat and rightfully so by Bill Maher. That caused a fucking media outrage and Feminists who would normally be calling Sarah Palin a bimbo all suddenly
rallied to her defense. NOW, a organization notably far left of Palin came to her defense all to slander Bill Maher as a sexist.
Mind you the very same NOW that celebrated Valrearie Solanis assassination attempts on Andy Warhol.Also note the links above are from Fox News and Daily Kos, two polar opposite
sites are whiteknights Palin so that shatters the illusion that SJW’s are merely just a Left Wing issue. While the SJW movement is overwhelmingly Left Wing Progressives, there are
quite alot of Traditionalists within the exact same mindset and intolerance towards criticism as the SJW’s making the political ideology of SJW’s no different from the Uber
Really this is where the Horseshoe Theory falls under, the SJW’s are the very Rightists they claim to hate ironically enough, if not even worse. This is best seen within the Pro Choice
Feminists vs Pro Life Feminist conflict which has divided both extremes between Cultural Marxists and Moral Traditionalists, neither of them care about the sovereignty of the male body or
a man’s say within reproductive rights and men are screwed either way between the extreme Pro Lifers and extreme pro choicers given one side wants to force men to raise children they
didn’t consent to raising or can’t afford to raise and the other wants to have unlimited power to end a pregnancy even if the man wants to have children. When you look carefully at
Feminists extremists on both the Left and Right, they only differ superficially on issues. Feminists want to fuck over both genders in the end and benefit themselves,
especially the male gender and don’t care if they destroy the lives of women to achieve their own self serving goals.
In other words, there is little moral difference between a SJW and Femsierative.
As i noted before, i see little to no difference between people like Sarah Palin who considers herself a Conservative Feminist and Anita Saresikann who considers herself a Liberal
Feminist. That’s because Third Wave Feminism combines the extreme traditionalism and Moral Religious Jihadism from the Far Right prevalent within the First Wave Suffrage Movement and
the Second Wave Cultural Marxism and extreme Communist ideology.Hence why you see the mindset of the Religious Right, the dishonesty of the Marxist Left and a lust of power from
Feminists ideologues in general, all masquerading as a progressive, human rights movement
I see the SJW movement to be the Extreme Left equivalent of the Saudi Moral Police. They’re so ideologically driven by their ideology that they want to force their morales down everyones
throats. All you need to do is replace Islam with Feminism, Traditionalism with progressivism and Blasphemy with political correctness and you essentially have the very same
poisonous, venomous ,dogmatic, totalitarian system. Hell replace Jews with Men and replace Anti Zionism with Anti MRA and you start to see exactly how little SJW’s differ from their
Islamist counterparts, the only difference is that SJW’s don’t need to nor want to behead people or shoot people to force them to comply with their ideology.
I find the SJW movement’s hatred of CISgendered white men ironic when the roots of the Feminist movement is one of the most deeply rooted in White supremacy. Feminism was a growing
movement in the 1800’s that was tied directly to the formation of the Ku Kulx Klan. It’s only beaten by Nazism as the most White Supremacist, Eurocentric ideology in the world and the
very core of this Feminism movement is rooted deeply in Misandry and Racism.
Social Justice Warriors are a Paradox in themselves. They preach liberal values but like every Religious Rightist, doesn’t practice what they preach. They claim to be for fighting
against racism, yet don’t mind being racist against Whites. They claim to be inclusive, that is if you’re 100% in agreement with what they believe, they claim to be for diversity yet they
seem to lack diversity and for people who claim to be accepting of minorities and women , they’re quick to demonize and harass and racially insult any minority or women who dare holds a
different view from their group think . For people who claim to be for individuality, they’re against anyone who has a different lifestyle or culture of their own or what they don’t
approve of and for people who claim to be fighting against the 1%, they’re all conveniently in the 1% and make money promoting themselves in the upper echelons of
universities, media organizations, and tech companies.
SJW’s do not view all humans as equal.The irony of the SJW is that they hate Capitalism because they perceive it as a system that exploits people and treats people as less than human and
treat them like cogs on a machine yet SJW’s calculate the worth of a human being based on perceived injustices and views people as objects for
their political manipulation and exploitation. SJW’s constantly tell others to check their privilege yet many of them come from Upper Middle class homes
and 95% of them are white.
If SJW’s were truly caring about the downtrodden and lesser privileged people, they would be giving to charities and giving to the poor, however when you look at the data
and evidence, upper middle class Liberals who are the bulk of the SJW movement contribute the least to charities compared to their Conservative opposition.
Funny how the moral paragons of the downtrodden give less money than their opposition.
For people who claim to be fighting for Human Rights, they commit Social and Economic terrorism with doxing the opposition and attempting
to destroy one’s livelihood and career based on a petty disagreement.
But here’s the real damning thing, SJW’s don’t care about minorities or women at all, quite the opposite going by the polices they support and the system they agree apon.
SJW’s are Pro Drug War proven with Sweden pushing for tougher drug wars and trying to convince other countries to import their Drug laws, mind you the Drug War has killed more people of
color in the western world than any policy before it and has resulted in 4 times as many blacks being arrested as whites for the same usage of drugs and have completely destroyed minority
communities, exacerbated the fatherlessness crisis, turned women into heroin addicts, increased the rate of illegal prostitution and has destabilized Latin America as a whole and created
rape cultures within Mexico, fuels the human trafficking rings which affect women mainly and keeps the Taliban in power which is massively repressive against women. SJW’s don’t seem to
call out the fact, Sweden, the Saudi Arabia of Feminism is the strongest supporter of the Drug War in Europe.
Another grand example of SJW’s being closeted Misogynists and racists is their support for Islamic terrorism. SJW’s almost universally support Hamas and the P.A while condemning Israel.
Mind you Israel is the only secular democracy in the Middle East that respects the rights of minorities, women and the LGBT yet SJW’s universally reject Israel in favor of Arab Nations
which are the most infamous for cruelty against non Arabs, Non Muslims women and the LGBT. SJW’s are racists and sexist by sheer virtue of actions and their support for racist ,
sexist governments.
Then there is their inherent hatred of Prostitution which is also commonly opposed by the Religious Right in both Islam and Christianity. SJW’s are in full support in banning Prostitution
and banning pornopgrahy,even with a good number of them being pro Drug War. Meaning they willinging want to maintain laws that target women and minorities and poor whites as well which is
precisely what the War on Prostitution, much like the War on Drugs does , showing they don;t care about women’s sexual freedoms, the rights of Minorities or the well being of the
And then comes their support of the police state and criminal justice system. SJW’s overwhelmingly ingore the Misandry often tied to racism in our criminal justice system that has been
deeply rooted in the system for hundereds of years and while they claim to fight that said racist system, they’re support for the Hollaback street harassment video, manspreading and
manslamming is proof they don’t care about police brutality, in fact they want to increase police brutality and increase cruelty particularly at Black men knowing very well they’re the
most likely targets of a corrupt criminal justice system.
They believe consensus is more important than objectivity SJW’s claim to care about “feelings” , when in reality they only care about their own feelings and not the feelings of
others.They’re claims of protecting people’s feelings is a facet that is out to mask their own narcissistic agenda.
They’re also completely tone deaf about racism against whites and apathetic to victims of hate crimes done against whites. You know who practiced this method ? Ideologues,
particularly those within Fascism , Theroacries and Communists . Cultural Marxism i a good part of why there is this need to collectivize people rather than to see them as individuals,
however unlike genuine Marxism which seeks to unrealistically collectivize all of humanity and make everyone 100% equal, SJW’s and Cultural Marxists only seek to promote equality
amongst themselves and anyone who isn’t a SJW would be treated as subhuman,essentially the very definition of Communism. Replacing an old aristocracy with a new one, this time the
government is the aristocracy .
Another Paradox about SJW’s is their own science denial when it comes to their political agenda. Ironically SJW’s are creationists by their own denial of Evolutionary Psychology which is
as essential to Evolution as Natural Selection. Feminists and SJW’s love to complain about Creationists denying evolution and rightfully mock the inherent double standards of them
accepting Micro Evolution but not Marco Evolution, yet if you asked these same people about Sexual Dimorphism and Evolutionary Psychology, they’re quick to reject the science
yet still claim to believe in Evolution.
However even more hypocritical than they’re rejection of science is they’re willingness to use Sexual Dimorphism and Evolutionary Psychology whenever it convivence them the most. SJW’s
constantly justify their need to White Knight women based on Chiariy which is derived from the ideology that women were weaker than men which to the most part physically is true
regarding sexual dimoprhism which means the JSW’s on some level know that Sexual Dimoprhism is a fact but willfully choose to ignore it when it’s inconvenient.
This can be seen with the Ad Hoc rationalizations SJW’s make everytime they support a man getting beaten up by a woman but loses their when a man fights in self
This can be seen when SJW’s demand women get lighter sentences and even advocate to abolish prison for women and even routinely fight against promotion of women in male oriented
jobs and promotion of domestic violence shelters for battered women but none for battered men.
If SJW’s truly believed women and men were physical equals, there would be no need for SJW’s to constantly defend women from harm.SJW’s seem to resent Traditionalism and Appeal to
Authority and Popularity whenever it doesn’t benefit them yet resort to appeals to Tradition and Popularity when it’s convenient to their ideology .
SJW’s rightfully go against Right Wing extremists promotion of censorship and rightfully attacked Bush for his many civil liberties violations yet when it comes to their own
ideology, they have no problems violating the civil liberties and even civil rights of others as seen with their willingness to censor and ban anyone who brings facts and evidence
to the table.
This can be seem with PZ Meyers kicking Thunderf00t off of FreeThoughtBlogs and can be seen with SJW’s disabling comments on videos on Youtube or disabling comments on DA which is
the very same tactic Creationists do.
Hell want a even more brazen example on how little the Far Right identify with the Far Left ? Look at CancelColbert a year ago.
Michelle Malkin who wrote a book in defense of Japanese internment camps. defending internment of the Japanese and is
a Far Right Wing Douchebag supported Cancel Colbert.
Suey Park who bitched about White Supremacy called a defender of White Supremacy a “reasonable person”. Not only is there unparalleled group think amongst SJW’s and
the Far Right, there’s also slimair levels of sheer hypocrisy and bullshit between the two opposing sides.
Hell you even see the parallels between SJW’s and their MRA extremists enemies as seen with this post pointing out showing prominent racist SJW Mikki
Kendall hasn’t found a rightwing buddy (yet) as far as I know, but the rightwing is waiting for her with open arms – the extremist rightwing anti-feminist web site Return of Kings absolutely adored Kendall’s “#solidarityisforwhitewomen”
hashtag and is completely on board with blaming (white) feminism for all the ills of the modern world.
“Return Of Kings is a blog for heterosexual, masculine men. It’s meant for a small but vocal collection of men in America today who believe men should be masculine and women should be feminine.
ROK aims to usher the return of the masculine man in a world where masculinity is being increasingly punished and shamed in favor of creating an androgynous and politically-correct society that allows women to assert superiority and control over men. Sadly, yesterday’s masculinity is today’s misogyny. The site intends to be a safe space on the web for those men who don’t agree with the direction that Western culture is headed. Click here to send an email to the team.
Women and homosexuals are prohibited from commenting here. They will be immediately banned, and anyone who replies to them will also be banned…
Notice the co-option of the Social Justice Warrior “safe space” concept. And the explicit banning of women and homosexuals ?This is why i have a dislike for RoK as a website.
They’re like the Radical MRA equivalent of Jezebel and are so up their own ass with traditionalism, they fail to realize they’re as terrible as the very SJW’s
they’re fighting against but that’s a story for another day.
SJW’s are human label machinesSJW’s love to claim tolerance and love to claim to be open minded, yet these are the very same people who label all Christians as evil, all white men as evil
and all MRA’s and Anti Feminists as misogynists and form hate groups to demonize, slander and shut down blogs and sites critical of SJW’s. We see them go as far as making false
rape accusations in a attempt to silence the opposition into fear as seen with FTB’s constant blaming of critics of the site as rapists.
SJW’s love to claim they’re moral people fighting for justice and yet they’re all in favor of throwing away due process and rigging the criminal justice
system further by having people guilty of a crime without evidence and use extortion and terror to force someone to comply to their worldview. This is
the same mentality that caused the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials and widespread persecution of Blacks in the Jim Crow South.SJW’s want to do onto
men what Saudi Arabia and Islamic Nations do to women. They want to make men second class citzens and make them slaves and make it so men have no freedom whereas women have all the
SJW’s are sociopathic, Narcissistic individuals that form a collective of sociopathic, Narcissistic individuals which often come from religious backgrounds and were abused phisycally
or sexualy by loved ones,revealties or parents or neglected or spoiled to the core, they’re a bunch of bullies, lairs and con artists who look for the best outlet to make use of
their sociopathy.
Like the moral christians before them who claim to be “Born Again”, SJW’s were once people who did things that would now be considered taboo or wrong within their cult.
This can be seen with the moral depravity of Zoey Qunin or Iam Miles Chenog’s racist, openly White Supremacist mentality, however like any Fumndeliast Chrsitan pastor, they never truly
leave behind their immoral, unethical behavior behind, they just mask it away while pretending to be the moral paragons of virtue and vice.
As noted by Roosh V, SJW’s suffer sexual identity crisis on par with Fundie Christians, ablet it for different reasons. Christian Extremists hate homosexuals and demonize homosexuality
and infantilze heterosexuality and family traditions whereas SJW’s infantilize homosexuality and demonize heterosexuality and family traditions. SJW’s reject biology
proving a gender binary the same way Christian Fundies reject biology proving people are born homosexual.Straight SJW’s pretend to be gay or trans to fit in with the group think the
same way Homosexual Christians in deeply religious communities pretend to be straight to not be ran out of town by homophobes.
They also have very slimair gynocentric double standards. Fundie Christians view the act of two gay men in a relationship is horrifying and disgusting and constantly demonize
gay men and make them the boogeymen of tradationlism yet are quick to feisthize lesibans and many Anti Gay Far Rightist are quick to accept lesibans.The same is seen within
SJW’s in which they demonize male heterosexuality yet feitshize female heterosexuality.
SJW’s are ironically the very oppressors they’re fighting against. I’ve seen more diversity within a KKK rally or Nazi Rally than i’ve seen within SJW land and i’ve seen less racism from
both rallies combined than i have with SJW tumblr posts. SJW’s are the 1%, they are the White “Patriarchy”, they’re fighting against, the very root of the problem they claim to be
up against.
SJW’s are a massive paradox in themselves. They constantly hate and deride White Men when it’s White Men they rely on the most. Silmair to the paradox of Islamists in Gaza wanting to wipe
out the Jews that provide their shithole territory with the food it needs to survive and land that they’ve been denied by their surrounding nations , SJW’s depending heavily on the wealth
and power of rich white men to keep their self righteous movement going. Much like a Hamas member shouting ” Death to Jews” while wielding a Uzi made by Jews, Feminists and
SJW’s shout “Death to Patriarchy” while constantly demanding protection of said Patriarchy and demanding help from the Patriarchy rather than fight it on it’s own
SJW Straight Men are equivalent to the Black’s who support Jim Crow Segregation , both have sold out their dignity and self worth for their own selfish gain in a quest to be given a
decent life as a sex slave to a rich white woman if they white knight and defend their masters. All that is missing from the White Knights is them saying”Yes masta'” as they
slavishly do all the work for their racist bosses
And like all insane, racist cults, they turn on another when you don’t comply with their rules or sympathetic to the enemy causes. SJW’s operate the same way Nazis did against Catholics,
Protestants and any German who was against their ideology 100%. This also mirrors the infighting of religions such as Catholics and Protestants in Ireland and Sunnis and Shittes across
the Muslims World.
What do SJW’s want to achieve?SJW’s are the first world equivalent of Islam .They’re out to unite the world under their Jihadist flag of Social Justice. They’re already a terrorist
ideology and sympathetic to terrorism and are becoming more and more violent in their actions and rhetoric and are a growing threat to the stability of the country.
Want a good example of how extreme they are ? Look at Sweden and how fast it’s collapsing.
The country as i stated before is falling apart thanks to Feminism and the tone deaf hypocrisy and totitatain power grabs of Feminists within that country.
Look how they’re becoming increasingly more violent and hostile towards opposing views.
Look at the sheer bigotry of Feminist ideology within the Third Wave.
Look at the Hypocrisy of said Feminists ideologues.
I got alot of heat a few days back when i compared Feminists to Jihadists
However after seeing them not denouce McIntosh, this only shows the true face of Social Justice, They’re not Social Justice Warriors, They’re Social Injustice Jihadists and they prove my point that all SJWs are Jihadists.